The leaves have fallen, temperatures have dipped, and the windscreen scrapers have been dusted off. Winter is here!  Which is a cue for landlords to carry out a range of checks to make sure their properties steer clear of any winter disasters. Below we have complied Maddisons Residential’s top tips to ensure a trouble-free winter – perfect for landlords (and indeed all homeowners!).

Bleed radiators

One reason a property may be cold is because the radiators don’t work properly. This is often because they need to be ‘bled’, and typically needs to be done when the heating is first turned on, but in older systems may need to be performed several times over the colder months. This is simple home maintenance that will keep your radiators working as effectively as possible. Remember to hold an old towel against the radiator valve as you bleed it to make sure no water splashes onto the walls and potentially damages paintwork or wallpaper.

Service the boiler

It’s good practice to get your boiler serviced once a year – this should highlight any issues that may have gone undetected when the heating hasn’t been needed during the warmer months. Additionally, as everyone begins to switch on their central heating as the weather gets colder, the surge in gas consumption can lead to boilers breaking down. Checking your boiler now could save an emergency call out and costly repair bills, and potentially being without heat and water on the coldest days!

Lag the pipes

To help prevent external pipes freezing and increase efficiency, insulate! This can be cost effective, and by avoiding burst pipes, could also prevent an expensive repair bill.

Another tip… If your property’s going to be empty for a while, you can reduce the risk of frozen and burst pipes by turning off the stop valve inside the property and opening any outside taps. This releases water in the pipe and allows any remaining water space to expand if it freezes, without splitting the pipe.

Make sure your roof is in good repair

Winter is also a good time to check the roof of your rental property, looking out for broken tiles, issues with pointing and rendering, and cracks in the chimney, if you have one.

If you spot anything wrong, you’ll need to get it fixed, as otherwise water may get in during heavy rains, or weak spots in the roof could buckle under heavy snow.

Clean your gutters

Falling autumn leaves may give the landscape a beautiful glow and appear harmless at first glance, but if neglected they will pile up and can become a pricey problem for landlords. Leaves and debris can build up in gutters and drains, clogging them so that water runs down the outside of your property, which can cause damage – even to the point of structural damage. As a result, it's vital to clear out gutters as often as possible to avoid overflows and water damage.

Check your windows

Repair or replace windows as necessary to improve energy efficiency and prevent issues such as condensation and mould. Well-maintained windows improve the exterior of a house or flat and avoid any harmful problems affecting your tenants’ health and the internal condition of your investment property.

By following these steps and conducting a winter check on your property you may avoid a costly repair bill further down the line! If you would like more advice or information on our exceptional lettings service, to guarantee your property and tenants are looked after this winter, please get in touch with our friendly team on 01892 514100.